Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What is a good and natural way to cleanse your liver?

As always you will have mixed opinions about alternative medicine. Yes, the liver is meant to filter toxins, but it has to be given proper nutrients and the ';other'; known and unknown compounds that herbs can offer. To the naysayers, Do you really believe that God intended for the human body to be overloaded with the nonsense that we take in everyday, as in chemicals, artificial ingredients that all-knowing mankind created for the sake of technology and advancement? Herbs help to cleanse and balance what our bodies are subjected to. If those naysayers know so much then why is it that a century ago very few people had cancer and now 1 in 3 people in our advanced society will get cancer? If you give the body what it needs to function properly it will work like it is supposed to. There is a cure for every disease and illness I believe, and God knew what He was doing when herbs were placed on this earth.

When i personally want to cleanse my liver, i use milk thistle, dandelion, schizandra and there are several that you could use. to keep it simple i am currently using an herbal tincture by a company called Herb Pharm called Healthy liver tonic and the ingredients are dandelion, oregon grape, milk thistle, artichoke leaf, schizandra and fennel seed. Your liver also loves greens like kale, spinach, a raw food diet is good for a little while. The chlorophyll is good in those greens, so take some chlorophyll if you don't like those vegetables. Any way, if this is the way that you decide is best for you always consult a naturopath for suggestions if you need more info, but this works for me and I notice a difference in my health when ';cleansing.'; The Chinese believe that your emotions are linked to your liver and cleansing it is a good thing to do.What is a good and natural way to cleanse your liver?
Just ONE reason our liver and colon need detoxed is because we load it down with chemical loaded foods that have had the enzymes cooked out of them in processing it.

People claim you don't need to cleanse your digestive system but I have found that when I do I do not have problems with being bloated, indigestion and all the other problems people get.

It is better to take a digestive enzyme with your meals than to take the detox but occasionally when you do get bloated or constipated taking the detox is good. Somebody else said take burdock, red clover, etc.....milk thistle should also be one of the ingredients along with some others.

Casacara Sagrada is good to take occasionally also.What is a good and natural way to cleanse your liver?
Milk thistle is the best known herb to lower liver enzymes...but for an everyday detox %26amp; health, Dandellion, a glass of water+fresh lemon/lime juice, Artichoke, and a low fat diet + good fats like olive %26amp; grape seed oil are some good options....

Good Luck
The liver does not need cleansing.

Toxins do not build up in it or any other organ your your body. Food is not damaging you.

We get more cancer now for many reasons. The main one being that we now live longer are we die less from infectious diseases and can treat many other diseases better (like heart disease).
One of your liver's main jobs is to cleanse your body. Do you really think it's so ineffective as to need cleansing itself? Your body is a self-cleansing organism. ';Detoxes'; and ';cleanses'; are complete nonsense dreamed up as a way to get people to buy more useless products.
here are some herbs for a liver detox:

Turmeric is one of the best herbs to use for a herbal liver detox. It can increase bile production by up to 100%, it also increases bile solubility and helps to treat gall stones. Dandelion is capable of clearing wastes, pollutants and stimulating bile production.

taken from:

Burdock root, dandelion root and red clover blossoms. They all act as blood purifiers. Burdock is a specific for the liver, but all three will work just fine.
visit naturessunshine.com I believe they sell a liver cleanse. 100% natural herbs....great website to get products from.
This is a favourite topic on the board.

However, the liver doesn't require ';cleansing'; or detoxifying in any way at all. For the record, neither does your colon or kidneys. In fact, the liver is the organ mainly responsible for eliminating toxins (both natural metabolites, and acquired ones such as alcohol) from the body.

It is naturopathic nonsense.
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  • What are some natural (and cheap) ways to flush or cleanse your body?

    personal experience?What are some natural (and cheap) ways to flush or cleanse your body?
    personal experience! take 3 tb spoon of apple cider vinegar in the morning and at night. its very healthy for you, it has about 90 types of minerals/vitamins, it flushes your system, great for digestive system, immune system..and it makes your joints flexible.

    totall natural...and SO CHEAP!What are some natural (and cheap) ways to flush or cleanse your body?
    Room temperature coffee enema.

    Cranberry Juice

    Ludens Cough Drops
    I had a friend and teammate in high school who used to drink clay. She wouldn't just go outside and gather up some mud or anything, but there are clay drinks you can buy where you make it yourself and it's supposed to cleanse your liver. But you have to do a bunch of stuff beforehand. I know she would have to drink a certain (and large!) amount of water each day for 1 week before she drank it, and then drink a bunch of water after, just to make sure she didn't get dehydrated. Also, I don't know about cleansing, but if you go to Jamba Juice, the wheat grass shots are supposed to be 1 pound of vegetables worth of nutrients. Like 1 oz. of wheat grass=1 pound of vegetables. I don't know if it necessarily cleanses your body, but it's supposed to be super good for you. So yeah, I'd look for a website or something where you can order the clay cocktail thing. She used to do it once every few months. I don't know what it did for her, but it supposedly worked. Good luck!
    stick to a diet of only fruit, vegetables and fish. for 1-2 weeks. you also need to be drinking about 3-5 litres of water a day and exercising. you might also want to try going to a sauna to cleanse your pores. stay healthy though.
    My friends and I drink green tea when we want to sober up a bit after drinking too much rum and running around with people dressed up like pirates and fairies.
    Water and plenty of it.

    You could fast for a weekend (that helps the colon flush, particularly if you use magnesium or Epsom salt baths).

    You could drink lemon juice in ice water for a couple days (that helps with the liver and kidneys I believe).

    Don't skimp on the olive oil or other quality essential fatty acids. They grease the works and helps the digestive tract move smoothly. You can even use olive oil as a skin moisturizer - it's great for the skin, hormones and everything.

    What interesting answers came from other people! Personally, I would put my trust in a cleanse that's doctor recommended. I chose a nutritional cleanse which cleanses the entire insides (not just the colon and/or liver) and dropped 20 pounds, I sleep better and have tons more energy. I learned that the cleanses in health stores and other retailers cut corners to lower manufacturing costs. I found one made by a ';no compromise'; formulator with 25 years experience and includes personal coaching. And since it replaces meals, by my math it was virtually free. Here's my coach's website:
    -try mint tea:it increases concentration in thought, learning and reading. it protects the digestive system against inflamation and infection after meals. helpful in digestion and absorption of food. mint is derived from the latin word menta, meaning mind.

    -another case is Camomile: the tranquil nature of it has relaxing effect. it has medicinal properties such as: antifibrile, increase appetite and improves blood circulation.

    -another one is Echium: Echium plant hold the secret of elation.

    some useful liquid mixture for you:

    -the mixture of 1 table sppon honey and 1ts fresh lemon juice with 1 glass of hot water. mix it and then enjoy the benefits of that. its great for your stomach too.

    -the mixture of 1 table sppon honey and 1ts apple vinagare with 1 glass of hot water. its great for losing weight too.

    -the mixture of 1 table sppon honey and 1ts fresh lemon juice and 1 ts jinjer powder or granted piece of fresh jinjer with 1 glass of hot water. mix it and then enjoy the benefits of that.

    -and water, is always the best.

    good health


    Colon cleansing is an effective way of eliminating toxic fecal material and parasites. As far as things that you may have in your kitchen that you can add to your diet for a colon cleanse, try mixing flax seeds in water, eat fresh fruits and vegetables, include foods with fiber and drink plenty of water. Avoid fast foods as well as junk food.

    Even though you may have the items for a colon cleanse, it would probably be more helpful if you had a strict diet to follow or research a natural powder cleansing kits such as the one discussed here: http://womans-health.net/best-colon-clea鈥?/a> The most important thing to remember regardless of what you try to cleanse your colon, drink plenty of fluids to keep yourself hydrated. Hope this helps!

    A home remedy colon cleanse is a natural colon cleansing without harsh chemicals and it is affordable and very much private. This colon cleanser removes debris from your bowels with a healthy digestive system.

    Homemade colon cleanses recipes with a colon cleansing diet can give colon flush and will free you from the bloated feeling of digestive system. Flush with a sea salt solution is one of the easy colon cleanse solution.
    small amounts of prunes and prune juice...or...

    if you eat a couple bowls of brown rice with olive oil, you'll definitely go..

    make sure not to overdo it on colon cleanses (aka laxatives) as you can do some serious damage to your digestive tract that will cause pain and discomfort for years. also, daily use for more than a few days in a row of anything that makes your stools really soft will end up making you constipated for days when you need to stop using it, and it can be quite ugly

    good luck :)
    The only thing I can think of is juicing some beets as these are known to be good detoxers. Fiber is the best cleanser and if you decide to go to a health store there are many natural options available. good luck
    Add lots of salt to a pint of water with a touch of vinegar, then down the hatch.

    I'm looking for an all natural colon cleanse.?

    Im really into taking care of my body, Im looking for an all natural way to cleanse my colon and detox the body.. Any suggestions?I'm looking for an all natural colon cleanse.?
    Listen closely because it's quite tricky. Walk into a bathroom. Pull down your pants and underwear (unless you go commando). Sit on the toilet and push. Once you're finished you will have successfully cleansed your colon, but I prefer to call it taking a sh!t.I'm looking for an all natural colon cleanse.?
    Mr Ramdev has a very good yoga exercises for it. During yoga excercise U start going to toilet umpteen times. At last u can see pure water coming out of ur rectum.

    I forgot the name of it. Pl. ask him on his website abt ';colon-cleaning-yoga'; . His link u can search on my website . Look for ';Geeta'; or ';yoga'; link on right side or at bottom.

    http://bharti .co .cc or http:// RelianceMoney. co .cc
    Prunes, figs, an apple a day keeps the toxins away, water but you probably already know these so I look forward to seeing what else people say.
    try the master cleanser diet. you can find information about it anywhere online. i know several people who say it's worked wonders for them.
    What toxins do you need to get rid of?

    How do you know you have them?

    How will you know when they are gone?
    Try going to herbdoc.com.... that is what I use and they are great products.. all natural , and organic... And very effective.. good health to you : )
    green tea works

    I want to lose my Stomach fat with something natural. NO colon cleanse or pills.?

    Or do I need some natural energy pill to help get my energy to work out more? Im only 14. IS the Kim K Quick Trim right for me.I want to lose my Stomach fat with something natural. NO colon cleanse or pills.?
    So here's the thing, it's not about core-workout. It's about fat burning. I'm willing to bet that you have a six pack, but there's just about half an inch of fat covering it. Now, how do we get rid of that fat? Cardio. Running, biking, things that make you sweat! Also, drink oodles and noodles of water. And avoid...

    Bleached flour: look for it in every bread. There are only a few that don't have it, and they generally aren't white or wheat breads.

    High Fructose Corn Syrup: Ick. They say it's made out of corn, but really it's an artificial sugar, and it will stick to you like none other.

    Preservatives: If you can't pronounce the name, don't eat it.

    Eat like...plain oatmeal for breakfast, and snack on fruits throughout the day until noon. Then have a sandwich, that DOESN'T have bleached flour in it, with some organic meat. No cheese or mayo. Mustard isn't half bad for you though. Then from that point on, eat some veggies as snacks! And for dinner, avoid steak, beef, and all red meat. Try to avoid pork as well. Poultry is where it's at!

    I hope this helps! I'm 15 and I've lost 20 pound doing this, and I've got a six pack!

    A natural colon cleanse recipe?

    i know, i know. its a bit gross. but being a woman i know its not uncommon for us to not be ';regular'; but quite frankly, im tired of feeling miserable!!! headaches, acne, feeling sluggish are all symptoms of not being regular! any ideas for ';cleaning'; would be greatly appreciated! lol...thanks!A natural colon cleanse recipe?
    If you are truly tired of ';feeling miserable'; you could try by starting with an enema, increasing your fibre intake,(Benefibre is tasteless and can be added to anything) and eating more fruits and vegetables in your diet. If you aren't currently exercising, increased oxygen also makes you feel emotionally stronger. Our bodies require proper nutrition, exercise and education for increased brain processing. The three in balance helps us to feel emotionally and physically good.A natural colon cleanse recipe?
    2-4 capsules of psyllium hulls

    2 capsules of cascara sagrada

    drink with glass of organic apple juice with tbs. each of aloe vera and liquid chlorophyll

    Just on a side note, dont plan on being away from the toilet any time soon. :)
    Eat lots of fiber. Take extra fiber supplements if you need to.

    Re. colon cleansing and other such stuff - of course if you're ';stuck'; it could help with that, temporarily at least, but it's not something you should rely on. Also the ';detox'; aspect of it is bunk.
    magnesium citrate. 2 glasses of water, and some paper.

    What is the best natural colon cleanse and parasite cleanse?

    if you go to an alternative store they should be able to give you: I want to say black walnut pills, i think that is the name if not they will be able to shoot you in the right directionWhat is the best natural colon cleanse and parasite cleanse?
    dieters tea
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