Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What is a good and natural way to cleanse your liver?

As always you will have mixed opinions about alternative medicine. Yes, the liver is meant to filter toxins, but it has to be given proper nutrients and the ';other'; known and unknown compounds that herbs can offer. To the naysayers, Do you really believe that God intended for the human body to be overloaded with the nonsense that we take in everyday, as in chemicals, artificial ingredients that all-knowing mankind created for the sake of technology and advancement? Herbs help to cleanse and balance what our bodies are subjected to. If those naysayers know so much then why is it that a century ago very few people had cancer and now 1 in 3 people in our advanced society will get cancer? If you give the body what it needs to function properly it will work like it is supposed to. There is a cure for every disease and illness I believe, and God knew what He was doing when herbs were placed on this earth.

When i personally want to cleanse my liver, i use milk thistle, dandelion, schizandra and there are several that you could use. to keep it simple i am currently using an herbal tincture by a company called Herb Pharm called Healthy liver tonic and the ingredients are dandelion, oregon grape, milk thistle, artichoke leaf, schizandra and fennel seed. Your liver also loves greens like kale, spinach, a raw food diet is good for a little while. The chlorophyll is good in those greens, so take some chlorophyll if you don't like those vegetables. Any way, if this is the way that you decide is best for you always consult a naturopath for suggestions if you need more info, but this works for me and I notice a difference in my health when ';cleansing.'; The Chinese believe that your emotions are linked to your liver and cleansing it is a good thing to do.What is a good and natural way to cleanse your liver?
Just ONE reason our liver and colon need detoxed is because we load it down with chemical loaded foods that have had the enzymes cooked out of them in processing it.

People claim you don't need to cleanse your digestive system but I have found that when I do I do not have problems with being bloated, indigestion and all the other problems people get.

It is better to take a digestive enzyme with your meals than to take the detox but occasionally when you do get bloated or constipated taking the detox is good. Somebody else said take burdock, red clover, etc.....milk thistle should also be one of the ingredients along with some others.

Casacara Sagrada is good to take occasionally also.What is a good and natural way to cleanse your liver?
Milk thistle is the best known herb to lower liver enzymes...but for an everyday detox %26amp; health, Dandellion, a glass of water+fresh lemon/lime juice, Artichoke, and a low fat diet + good fats like olive %26amp; grape seed oil are some good options....

Good Luck
The liver does not need cleansing.

Toxins do not build up in it or any other organ your your body. Food is not damaging you.

We get more cancer now for many reasons. The main one being that we now live longer are we die less from infectious diseases and can treat many other diseases better (like heart disease).
One of your liver's main jobs is to cleanse your body. Do you really think it's so ineffective as to need cleansing itself? Your body is a self-cleansing organism. ';Detoxes'; and ';cleanses'; are complete nonsense dreamed up as a way to get people to buy more useless products.
here are some herbs for a liver detox:

Turmeric is one of the best herbs to use for a herbal liver detox. It can increase bile production by up to 100%, it also increases bile solubility and helps to treat gall stones. Dandelion is capable of clearing wastes, pollutants and stimulating bile production.

taken from:

Burdock root, dandelion root and red clover blossoms. They all act as blood purifiers. Burdock is a specific for the liver, but all three will work just fine.
visit naturessunshine.com I believe they sell a liver cleanse. 100% natural herbs....great website to get products from.
This is a favourite topic on the board.

However, the liver doesn't require ';cleansing'; or detoxifying in any way at all. For the record, neither does your colon or kidneys. In fact, the liver is the organ mainly responsible for eliminating toxins (both natural metabolites, and acquired ones such as alcohol) from the body.

It is naturopathic nonsense.
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  • What are some natural (and cheap) ways to flush or cleanse your body?

    personal experience?What are some natural (and cheap) ways to flush or cleanse your body?
    personal experience! take 3 tb spoon of apple cider vinegar in the morning and at night. its very healthy for you, it has about 90 types of minerals/vitamins, it flushes your system, great for digestive system, immune system..and it makes your joints flexible.

    totall natural...and SO CHEAP!What are some natural (and cheap) ways to flush or cleanse your body?
    Room temperature coffee enema.

    Cranberry Juice

    Ludens Cough Drops
    I had a friend and teammate in high school who used to drink clay. She wouldn't just go outside and gather up some mud or anything, but there are clay drinks you can buy where you make it yourself and it's supposed to cleanse your liver. But you have to do a bunch of stuff beforehand. I know she would have to drink a certain (and large!) amount of water each day for 1 week before she drank it, and then drink a bunch of water after, just to make sure she didn't get dehydrated. Also, I don't know about cleansing, but if you go to Jamba Juice, the wheat grass shots are supposed to be 1 pound of vegetables worth of nutrients. Like 1 oz. of wheat grass=1 pound of vegetables. I don't know if it necessarily cleanses your body, but it's supposed to be super good for you. So yeah, I'd look for a website or something where you can order the clay cocktail thing. She used to do it once every few months. I don't know what it did for her, but it supposedly worked. Good luck!
    stick to a diet of only fruit, vegetables and fish. for 1-2 weeks. you also need to be drinking about 3-5 litres of water a day and exercising. you might also want to try going to a sauna to cleanse your pores. stay healthy though.
    My friends and I drink green tea when we want to sober up a bit after drinking too much rum and running around with people dressed up like pirates and fairies.
    Water and plenty of it.

    You could fast for a weekend (that helps the colon flush, particularly if you use magnesium or Epsom salt baths).

    You could drink lemon juice in ice water for a couple days (that helps with the liver and kidneys I believe).

    Don't skimp on the olive oil or other quality essential fatty acids. They grease the works and helps the digestive tract move smoothly. You can even use olive oil as a skin moisturizer - it's great for the skin, hormones and everything.

    What interesting answers came from other people! Personally, I would put my trust in a cleanse that's doctor recommended. I chose a nutritional cleanse which cleanses the entire insides (not just the colon and/or liver) and dropped 20 pounds, I sleep better and have tons more energy. I learned that the cleanses in health stores and other retailers cut corners to lower manufacturing costs. I found one made by a ';no compromise'; formulator with 25 years experience and includes personal coaching. And since it replaces meals, by my math it was virtually free. Here's my coach's website:
    -try mint tea:it increases concentration in thought, learning and reading. it protects the digestive system against inflamation and infection after meals. helpful in digestion and absorption of food. mint is derived from the latin word menta, meaning mind.

    -another case is Camomile: the tranquil nature of it has relaxing effect. it has medicinal properties such as: antifibrile, increase appetite and improves blood circulation.

    -another one is Echium: Echium plant hold the secret of elation.

    some useful liquid mixture for you:

    -the mixture of 1 table sppon honey and 1ts fresh lemon juice with 1 glass of hot water. mix it and then enjoy the benefits of that. its great for your stomach too.

    -the mixture of 1 table sppon honey and 1ts apple vinagare with 1 glass of hot water. its great for losing weight too.

    -the mixture of 1 table sppon honey and 1ts fresh lemon juice and 1 ts jinjer powder or granted piece of fresh jinjer with 1 glass of hot water. mix it and then enjoy the benefits of that.

    -and water, is always the best.

    good health


    Colon cleansing is an effective way of eliminating toxic fecal material and parasites. As far as things that you may have in your kitchen that you can add to your diet for a colon cleanse, try mixing flax seeds in water, eat fresh fruits and vegetables, include foods with fiber and drink plenty of water. Avoid fast foods as well as junk food.

    Even though you may have the items for a colon cleanse, it would probably be more helpful if you had a strict diet to follow or research a natural powder cleansing kits such as the one discussed here: http://womans-health.net/best-colon-clea鈥?/a> The most important thing to remember regardless of what you try to cleanse your colon, drink plenty of fluids to keep yourself hydrated. Hope this helps!

    A home remedy colon cleanse is a natural colon cleansing without harsh chemicals and it is affordable and very much private. This colon cleanser removes debris from your bowels with a healthy digestive system.

    Homemade colon cleanses recipes with a colon cleansing diet can give colon flush and will free you from the bloated feeling of digestive system. Flush with a sea salt solution is one of the easy colon cleanse solution.
    small amounts of prunes and prune juice...or...

    if you eat a couple bowls of brown rice with olive oil, you'll definitely go..

    make sure not to overdo it on colon cleanses (aka laxatives) as you can do some serious damage to your digestive tract that will cause pain and discomfort for years. also, daily use for more than a few days in a row of anything that makes your stools really soft will end up making you constipated for days when you need to stop using it, and it can be quite ugly

    good luck :)
    The only thing I can think of is juicing some beets as these are known to be good detoxers. Fiber is the best cleanser and if you decide to go to a health store there are many natural options available. good luck
    Add lots of salt to a pint of water with a touch of vinegar, then down the hatch.

    I'm looking for an all natural colon cleanse.?

    Im really into taking care of my body, Im looking for an all natural way to cleanse my colon and detox the body.. Any suggestions?I'm looking for an all natural colon cleanse.?
    Listen closely because it's quite tricky. Walk into a bathroom. Pull down your pants and underwear (unless you go commando). Sit on the toilet and push. Once you're finished you will have successfully cleansed your colon, but I prefer to call it taking a sh!t.I'm looking for an all natural colon cleanse.?
    Mr Ramdev has a very good yoga exercises for it. During yoga excercise U start going to toilet umpteen times. At last u can see pure water coming out of ur rectum.

    I forgot the name of it. Pl. ask him on his website abt ';colon-cleaning-yoga'; . His link u can search on my website . Look for ';Geeta'; or ';yoga'; link on right side or at bottom.

    http://bharti .co .cc or http:// RelianceMoney. co .cc
    Prunes, figs, an apple a day keeps the toxins away, water but you probably already know these so I look forward to seeing what else people say.
    try the master cleanser diet. you can find information about it anywhere online. i know several people who say it's worked wonders for them.
    What toxins do you need to get rid of?

    How do you know you have them?

    How will you know when they are gone?
    Try going to herbdoc.com.... that is what I use and they are great products.. all natural , and organic... And very effective.. good health to you : )
    green tea works

    I want to lose my Stomach fat with something natural. NO colon cleanse or pills.?

    Or do I need some natural energy pill to help get my energy to work out more? Im only 14. IS the Kim K Quick Trim right for me.I want to lose my Stomach fat with something natural. NO colon cleanse or pills.?
    So here's the thing, it's not about core-workout. It's about fat burning. I'm willing to bet that you have a six pack, but there's just about half an inch of fat covering it. Now, how do we get rid of that fat? Cardio. Running, biking, things that make you sweat! Also, drink oodles and noodles of water. And avoid...

    Bleached flour: look for it in every bread. There are only a few that don't have it, and they generally aren't white or wheat breads.

    High Fructose Corn Syrup: Ick. They say it's made out of corn, but really it's an artificial sugar, and it will stick to you like none other.

    Preservatives: If you can't pronounce the name, don't eat it.

    Eat like...plain oatmeal for breakfast, and snack on fruits throughout the day until noon. Then have a sandwich, that DOESN'T have bleached flour in it, with some organic meat. No cheese or mayo. Mustard isn't half bad for you though. Then from that point on, eat some veggies as snacks! And for dinner, avoid steak, beef, and all red meat. Try to avoid pork as well. Poultry is where it's at!

    I hope this helps! I'm 15 and I've lost 20 pound doing this, and I've got a six pack!

    A natural colon cleanse recipe?

    i know, i know. its a bit gross. but being a woman i know its not uncommon for us to not be ';regular'; but quite frankly, im tired of feeling miserable!!! headaches, acne, feeling sluggish are all symptoms of not being regular! any ideas for ';cleaning'; would be greatly appreciated! lol...thanks!A natural colon cleanse recipe?
    If you are truly tired of ';feeling miserable'; you could try by starting with an enema, increasing your fibre intake,(Benefibre is tasteless and can be added to anything) and eating more fruits and vegetables in your diet. If you aren't currently exercising, increased oxygen also makes you feel emotionally stronger. Our bodies require proper nutrition, exercise and education for increased brain processing. The three in balance helps us to feel emotionally and physically good.A natural colon cleanse recipe?
    2-4 capsules of psyllium hulls

    2 capsules of cascara sagrada

    drink with glass of organic apple juice with tbs. each of aloe vera and liquid chlorophyll

    Just on a side note, dont plan on being away from the toilet any time soon. :)
    Eat lots of fiber. Take extra fiber supplements if you need to.

    Re. colon cleansing and other such stuff - of course if you're ';stuck'; it could help with that, temporarily at least, but it's not something you should rely on. Also the ';detox'; aspect of it is bunk.
    magnesium citrate. 2 glasses of water, and some paper.

    What is the best natural colon cleanse and parasite cleanse?

    if you go to an alternative store they should be able to give you: I want to say black walnut pills, i think that is the name if not they will be able to shoot you in the right directionWhat is the best natural colon cleanse and parasite cleanse?
    dieters tea
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  • PLEASE HELP ME! Ive accidently been overdosing on antihistamines for MONTHS, natural way to cleanse my system?

    How long does an Antihistamine stay in your system?

    how long does a Antihistamine stay in your system before they are COMPLETELY out of your system?

    IS there anyway to help it along?

    About nine months ago I started taking benadryl for allergies, taking about 6 to 8 a day.. as well as taking tylenol pm at night (usually 4 a night) I wasnt aware that the pm in tylenol is the same thing as benadryl.. now im aware that I was taking WAY too much antihistamines (benadryl).

    So since ive been taking too much and for so long.. how long do you think it would take to flush it out?

    Should i drink a lot of water? any other suggestions?PLEASE HELP ME! Ive accidently been overdosing on antihistamines for MONTHS, natural way to cleanse my system?
    Benadryl or diphenhydramine has a half life of 2-8 hours. This means every 2-8 hours (depending on the individual), your body would have got rid of half the dose you took. That means once you stop taking any more, your system will get rid of it in a matter of few days (or even in one day). Let us assume you have 100 mgs (each capsule of benadryl contains 25 mgs of diphenhydramine) in your systemn, in 8 hours you have only 50 mgs left, in 16 hours you will have only 25 mgs left, in 24 hours you will have 12.5 mgs left (half capule) and so on.

    Drinking a lot of water (in moderation of course) will help the excretion process since most drugs eventually get excreted after metabolism through the kidneys as urine. Pharmacy assistant ProfessorPLEASE HELP ME! Ive accidently been overdosing on antihistamines for MONTHS, natural way to cleanse my system?
    1) Use distilled water.

    2) Take the supplement Spirulina, chlorophyll or Red Clover. All of these are detoxifiers.
    relax. Eat normal food. Chances of you actually needing to anyhting about this are virtually zero.

    A natural way to cleanse the waste out of my body?

    please helpA natural way to cleanse the waste out of my body?
    the best thing you can do is eat lots of fruit and veggies (5-8 servings a day) and make sure you consume 25-35g of dietary fiber and drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

    your body is cleansing out itself- thats the way God created it.

    All the ';cleansing'; stuff on the market is only a waste of money unless you have some serious digestion issues and even then you have to consult your doctor about it.A natural way to cleanse the waste out of my body?
    Fasting is the best way to cleanse the body. Just don't eat for about 4 days...only clear fluids. Your body will naturally get rid of almost everything.
    morning brisk walk if not possible two glasses of luke warm water after brushing your teeth very regularly. if time permits start 'yoga' exercises if u have teacher around your place but now a days Cd's are also available
    you mean poop? You said waste so im assuming its poop you want rid of. Just take some exlax ON YOUR DAY OFF, and while your at home.
    don't eat toxins in the first place.

    but a natural and safe way to 'detox' would be to not drink alchohol, avoid meat, eat heaps of fruit and vegetables (preferably raw) and seeds, grains (but whole grain, not processed)

    avoid coffee and softdrinks too.

    drink heaps of water (at least 2 liters a day) and herbal teas such as chamomile and peppermint. but read the labels on them to make sure they're pure and simple and not full of flavouring etc.

    some would argue you should also cut down on dairy foods too during this period.
    apple cidar vinegar
    increase fiber content

    drink plenty of water

    include psillium husks/powder

    more oatmeal/fresh fruits etc

    also check out the probiotics that provide good flora in the digestive system - like live yogurts -

    all the best
    Cranberry juice is a natural and healthy way to cleanse your body of unwanted toxins, as well as grapefruit juice. Cranberry juice is better though. You'll notice that you have to pee more while drinking it, but that's a good sign because that means it's working and releasing unwanted toxins and such. :) Oh, and combine that with a healthy diet and at least 8 glasses of water a day; it works! Even if you don't go to extremes such as never eating fast food again, no sodas, the atkins diet, etc. that's fine. I mean hey, we're all human and need junk food sometimes, but as long as you take baby steps to detoxifying your body, you should be on your way! :) I think drinking more cranberry juice and water will do the trick. :)I posted a link for you on cranberry juice and other options for detoxifying your body,Good luck! :)
    Liquid chlorophyll and apple cider vinegar are supposed to be good colon cleansers.

    Fasting for a minimum of something like at least 3 days is probably quicker.

    What are some of the natural ways to cleanse your face?

    The first step to having healthy skin is to clean your skin. Your face should be cleaned at least twice a day. In the morning when you get up you should lightly wash your face with a warm wet wash cloth. No soap is needed because if you wash your face with soap too often it can over dry your skin. Before bedtime is the best time to wash your face with a mild soap such as Ivory or Dove Nutrium or another mild facial soap. It is best to wash with very warm water and use a wash cloth. Some people say not to scrub your face, but by gently scrubbing your face with a washcloth and soap in a circular pattern you loosen up any dead skin cells and help unblock pores

    Once you have washed and rinsed your face with mild soap and warm water, use a clean towel or a fresh washcloth to dry your face. It is best not to use the hand towel hanging up that everyone has dried their hands on. You are wanting to take germs away from your face, not add them to your face.What are some of the natural ways to cleanse your face?
    I have done a lot of research over the past year on cosmetic's %26amp; personal care products.

    I applaud you for seeking out a natural/safe way to take care of your skin!

    There are so many toxins in the products we all use on a daily basis, it's scary!

    I am a distributor for an all natural, clean, green %26amp; toxin free skin care line, let me know if you would like more info.

    The honey mask is nice that another member mentioned, taste good too :)

    To exfoliate just a plain wash cloth works great!

    Never use Hot water, it dries skin out.

    Don't use harsh abrasives or chemical peels-please!

    Pure aloe vera gel is a nice moisturizer

    Please let me know if you would like more info on the toxins in skin care etc. I love sharing what I have learned.What are some of the natural ways to cleanse your face?
    wash your face with mar water. then heat up a spoonful of honey in the microwave until its warm, not hot. cover your face with the honey and wait until it dries. then rinse it off. it leaves your skin soft, gets out a lot of blackheads and you have a glow to you.
    i would say that most natural ways wouldnt cleanse your face quickly. why wont you try using nivea mild cleansing gel. its what i use, it also removes and prevents pimples

    *1 tbls plain yogurt *1 tsp sugar *drizzle of honey

    Mix until light yellow color, spread on skin, leave for 10 min or so, wash off with luke warm water.

    Need info about natural cleansing of liver?

    Try the PDR (physician's desk reference) for herbal medicines. It is fairly new but a large library should have a copy.Need info about natural cleansing of liver?
    eat more artichokes and dandelion leaves. go to this website too:


    Havent you noticed that natural disasters that KILL thousands are places that are a cleansing is necessary?

    The earth marks certain areas for cleansing for resource reallocation, its nothing personal. This is the very essence of God to me.Havent you noticed that natural disasters that KILL thousands are places that are a cleansing is necessary?
    I see it - but that is an unpopular belief, you know.

    I think if we're foolish enough to live in areas where nature does it's best to reject us, then we should expect to get beat on by the weaher more often than not.

    Skalite - LA got theirs about 20 years ago.. but they are due for another...Havent you noticed that natural disasters that KILL thousands are places that are a cleansing is necessary?
    *rubs head* arguing that it's nature gods doing this, arguing that it's sentient nature... okay.

    But if anything, it contradicts the existence of God simply because of the flood episode where he promised never to send such a natural disaster ever again.
    Natural disasters definitely do a lot of damage. China is going cost some seriouse money to fix as well as Myanmar. And we are still recovering from Katrina. (And as for California: Didn't they have a VERY SERIOUS wildfire?) Maybe we are doing something wrong to this Earth, but our ego and pride just simply won't let us see or acknowledge it..
    I don't suppose the fact that poor areas have higher population density and thus will have more casualties in the event of a disaster entered into your calculations anywhere.
    Why hasn't Los Angeles, or New York been hit? They each use and abuse more resources than most developing countries combined.

    Umm No

    a larger earthquake hit japan and it was not this bad its not earth cleaning itself its poor people living in disaster prone areas in inadquate housing that causes the problem.
    I don't think killing poor people is cleansing the earth. Natural disasters should occur where those who are charge of allocating resources failed to do so.
    The poor always suffer and the rich protect themselves.

    I think nature is pretty random. Some of those blown apart houses from the tornadoes look pretty huge and new.
    I am not going to touch this with a ten foot pole.
    Yeah Pompei was SO out of control when Mount Vesuvius erupted...oh wait, no it wasn't.

    I still can't understand just why Las Vegas hasn't been hit with a hurricane or tornado yet.
    That is why I do not recycle and own a SUV. The earth must be taught a lesson before it gets to uppity.

    Anyone know of a all natural liver cleanse?

    Like all living cells in the body, the cells of your liver need support from nutrition in order to function correctly. If you are in a situation where your liver is not doing its job, then it may need additional support to do an additional job.

    Milk Thistle and burdock root both support blood cleansing and liver function. They are inexpensive and non-toxic. Just take it according to the bottle instructions and be consistent. your body will need time to catch up so what you're doing is providing the raw materials.

    You may also consider cutting out meat for a while. The reason for this is that your liver needs to work to break down some of the chemicals and byproducts found in meat. I'm not saying be a vegetarian for life, just give your liver some room to work and focus on eating more raw fruits and vegetables whenever you can.Anyone know of a all natural liver cleanse?
    Yes go to Natures Secret.comAnyone know of a all natural liver cleanse?
    beer, no really water
    Fasting is the best and natural cure.

    Fasting refers to complete abstinence from food for a short or long period for a specific purpose. The word is derived from the old English, 鈥榝eastan鈥?which means to fast, observe, be strict. Fasting is nature鈥檚 oldest, most effective and yet least expensive method of treating disease. It is recognised as the cornerstone of natural healing. Dr. Arnold Eheret, the originator of the musculus diet healing system, describes it as '; nature鈥檚 only universal and omnipotent remedy of healing'; and ';nature鈥檚 only fundamental law of all healing and curing.';

    Fasting in disease was advocated by the school of natural philosopher, Asclepiades, more than two thousand years ago. Throughout medical history, it has been regarded as one of the most dependable curative methods. Hippocrates, Galen, Paracelsus, and many other great authorities on medicine prescribed it. Many noted modern physicians have successfully employed this system of healing in the treatment of numerous diseases.

    The common cause of all diseases is the accumulation of waste and poisonous matter in the body which results from overeating. The majority of persons eat too much and follow sedentary occupations which do not permit sufficient and proper exercise for utilisation of this large quantity of food. This surplus overburdens the digestive and assimilative organs and clogs up the system with impurities or poisons. Digestion and elimination become slow and the functional activity of the whole system gets deranged.

    The onset of disease is merely the process of ridding the system of these impurities. Every disease can be healed by only one remedy-by doing just the opposite of what causes it, i.e., by reducing the food intake or fasting.

    By depriving the body of food for a time, the organs of elimination such as the bowels, kidneys, skin, and lungs are given opportunity to expel, unhampered, the overload of accumulated waste from the system. Thus, fasting is merely the process of purification and an effective and quick method of cure. It assists nature in her continuous effort to expel foreign matter and disease producing waste from the body, thereby correcting the faults of improper diet and wrong living. It also leads to regeneration of the blood as well as the repair and regeneration of the various tissues of the body.

    Duration: The duration of the fast depends upon the age of the patient, the nature of the disease and the amount and type of drugs previously used. The duration is important, because long periods of fasting can be dangerous if undertaken without competent professional guidance. It is, therefore, advisable to undertake a series of short fasts of two to three days and gradually increase the duration of each succeeding fast by a day or so. The period, however, should not exceed a week of total fasting at a time. This will enable the chronically sick body to gradually and slowly eliminate toxic waste matter without seriously affecting the natural functioning of the body. A correct mode of living and a balanced diet after the fast will restore vigour and vitality to the individual.

    Fasting is highly beneficial in practically all kinds of stomach and intestinal disorders and in serious conditions of the kidneys and liver. It is a miracle cure for eczema and other skin diseases and offers the only hope of permanent cure in many cases. The various nervous disorders also respond favourably to this mode of treatment.

    Fasting should, however, not be restored to in every illness. In cases of diabetes, advanced stages of tuberculosis, and extreme cases of neurasthenia, long fasts will be harmful. In most cases, however, no harm will accrue to fasting patients, provided they take rest, and are under proper professional care.

    Methods: The best, safest and most effective method of fasting is juice fasting. Although the old classic form of fasting was a pure water fast, most of the leading authorities on fasting today agree that juice fasting is far superior to a water fast. According to Dr. Rangar Berg, the world -famous authority on nutrition, ';During fasting the body burns up and excretes huge amounts of accumulated wastes. We can help this cleansing process by drinking alkaline juice instead of water while fasting ... Elimination of uric acid and other inorganic acids will be accelerated鈥?. And sugars in juices will strengthen the heart... juice fasting is, therefore, the best form of fasting. '; Vitamins, minerals, enzymes and trace elements in fresh, raw vegetable and fruit juices are extremely beneficial in normalising all the body processes. They supply essential elements for the body鈥檚 own healing activity and cell regeneration and thus speeding the recovery. All juices should be prepared from fresh fruit immediately before drinking. Canned or frozen juices should not be used.

    A precautionary measure which must be observed in all cases of fasting is the complete emptying of the bowels at the beginning of the fast by enema so that the patient is not bothered by gas or decomposing matter formed from the excrements remaining in the body. Enemas should be administered at least every alternate day during the fasting period. The patient should get as much fresh air as possible and should drink plain lukewarm water when thirsty. Fresh juices may be diluted with pure water. The total liquid intake should be approximately six to eight glasses.

    A lot of energy is spent during the fast in the process of eliminating accumulated poisons and toxic waste materials. It is, therefore, of utmost importance that the patients get as much physical rest and mental relaxation as possible during the fast. In cases of fasts in which fruit juices are taken, especially when fresh grapes, oranges or grapefruit are used exclusively, the toxic wastes enter the blood -stream rapidly, resulting in an overload of toxic matter, which affects normal bodily functions. This often results in dizzy spells, followed by diarrhoea and vomiting. If this physical reaction persists, it is advisable to discontinue the fast and take cooked vegetables containing adequate roughage such as spinach and beets until the body functioning returns to normal.

    The overweight person finds it much easier to go without food. Loss of weight causes no fear and the patient鈥檚 attitude makes fasting almost a pleasure. The first day鈥檚 hunger pangs are perhaps the most difficult to bear. The craving for food will, however, gradually decrease as the fast progresses. Seriously sick persons have no desire for food and fasting comes naturally to them. The simple rule is to stop eating until the appetite returns or until one feels completely well.

    Only very simple exercises like short walks may be undertaken during the fast. A warm water or neutral bath may be taken during the period. Cold baths are not advisable. Sun and air baths should be taken daily. Fasting sometimes produces a state of sleeplessness which can be overcome by a warm tub bath, hot water bottles at the feet and by drinking one or two glasses of hot water.

    Benefits: There are several benefit of fasting. During a long fast, the body feeds upon its reserves. Being deprived of needed nutrients, particularly of protein and fats, it will burn and digest its own tissues by the process of autolysis or self-digestion. But it will not do so indiscriminately. The body will first decompose and burn those cells and tissues which are diseased, damaged, aged or dead. The essential tissues and vital organs, the glands, the nervous system and the brain are not damaged or digested in fasting. Here lies the secret of the effectiveness of fasting as a curative and rejuvenative method. During fasting, the building of new and healthy cells are speeded up by the amino acids released from the diseased cells. The capacity of the eliminative organs, that is, lungs, liver, kidneys, and the skin is greatly increased, as they are relieved of the usual burden of digesting food and eliminating the resultant wastes. They are, therefore, able to quickly expel old accumulated wastes and toxins.

    Fasting affords a physiological rest to the digestive, assimilative and protective organs. As a result, the digestion of food and the utilisation of nutrients is greatly improved after fasting. The fast also exerts a normalising, stablising, and rejuvenating effect on all the vital physiological, nervous and mental functions.

    Breaking of Fast: The success of the fast depends largely on how it is broken. his is the most significant phase. The main rules for breaking the fast are: do not overeat, eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly; and take several days for the gradual change to the normal diet. If the transition to eating solid foods is carefully planned, there will be no discomfort or damage. The patient should also continue to take rest during the transition period. The right food after a fast is as important and decisive for proper results as the fast itself.

    Hope this helps, Good Luck.
    Dandelion tea. Seriously. It's an ancient remedy. Be sure to use young shoots and blossoms, the older ones are bitter.
    yes i use figure 8 daily detox tea and herbal colon cleanse both from www.antiagingskin.myarbonne.c o m
    Chew your food and eat right; eat fresh food; eat simple food; eat less food; eat organic eat vegan; eat raw food; no nuts; no seeds; no exotic fruits i.e. strawberries etc; eat for your blood type; eat a food combining diet; eat a macrobiotic diet; drink sufficient water between meals; eat beetroot; eat paw paw........
    Milk Thistle Herbal Capsules
    There is an ayurvedic preparation made from kalmegh leaves. It is marketed under the name of ';Kalmegh';. It is an excellent medicine for all kinds of liver ailments.
    i agree drink water eat 9-13 fruits and veg a day and drink water first thing in the morning.
    Your liver will cleanse it self actually...just lay off the toxins
  • internet explorer download
  • What is the best natural colon cleanse. A pill or something you eat or take to clean your colon.?

    try the 21 day herbal cleanse from herbalife, its awesome and safe. I use it twice a year and you can really tell the difference. try myhealthabcmall.com and its in the digestive health area.

    I want to do a Natural Cleanse for my body...any ideas?

    Ruffage like green leafy veggies and veggie diet can help.I want to do a Natural Cleanse for my body...any ideas?
    Go to a health food store and consult a nutritionist. There are a lot of options for you depending on what you want to cleanse, and how long you want to cleanse. Make sure you do it correctly, and don't fall for any of the ';fad'; cleanses (lemonade and cayenne pepper!?!).

    A lot of people start a cleanse with a fruit fasting, you may want to look into that.

    best of luck!I want to do a Natural Cleanse for my body...any ideas?
    Try looking up


    Vitamin Shoppe or other health stores should carry it.
    Nothing is more natural than pure water... Try hydrotherapy.
    There are products out there that can help. Go to the GNC or pharmacy near you and ask and they show you. I have even seen them at Sam's.
    well you should only eat thing that will clean out everything from your system and drink water to it helps
    Search the lemonade diet.
    il do it for you.........

    I would like to go on an ALL NATURAL detox/cleanse...?

    Other than just eating more raw veggies and cutting back on processed sugars and carbs, does anyone have a super cleanse plan that doesn't include pricey, lame, television rip off products? Also using a combo of a diet/vitamin/herbal supplements I can get at any store? For instance Chromium?I would like to go on an ALL NATURAL detox/cleanse...?
    I did a juice cleanse for three days. But I have a juicer so... that was easy for me. Just vegetable/fruit juicing, green tea, and vitamins. I did not go hardcore, I ate a healthy lunch everyday (salad, water, bit of chicken or fish). But some people do just juice for three meals a day to completely clean out.

    Recommended natural ways to cleanse blood not a detox but blood cleanse please!?

    Is beetroot recommended?Recommended natural ways to cleanse blood not a detox but blood cleanse please!?
    the best way to cleanse your blood ,2 slices of brown bread,1-2 cloves of crushed garlic,spread on the bread,buttered if liked,a small amount of salt,eat 1hr before bed,do this for a week,it hoovers your blood overnight while you sleep,believe me it works,ok it can smell,so what it,s food ,i,ll even tell you when i saw this ,on tv about 10-11 yrs ago,it was an american consultant,who had proved this,people should eat more garlic,your body fluid is 2/3rds garlic based .it also is a good dietry aid.Recommended natural ways to cleanse blood not a detox but blood cleanse please!?
    My mom says eating fish does the trick.
    ozone or oxygen therapy
    Old wives tale says onion cleans the blood.

    If you drink 2 litres of water a day your body is more than capable of cleansing the blood. Oh and cut out alcohol for a while.
    You could buy sulpher sweets at the chemist. Thats a really old remedie

    Does anyone know of a natural colon cleanse that really works?

    I really need to jump-start my routine , and I've started eating healthier %26amp; trying to find time to exercise( I'm pretty active on a day-to-day basis). I was just wondering if maybe a colon cleanse was the way to go? Just wondering if anyone knew of any that actually works.Thanx!Does anyone know of a natural colon cleanse that really works?
    Yes, I do know of a cleanse that I've personally had great results with. All the ingredients are 100% natural herbs - nothing else. Using this cleanse, I've gotten some dark rubbery like intestinal plaque out every time.

    What I love about this product is that you can do it either in 5 or 10 days to suit your schedule. Also you don' t have to fast or starve yourself. There are some dietary changes, but overall it sounds like you're moving the the direction of healthy eating anyway.

    I give this cleanse my highest recommendation!Does anyone know of a natural colon cleanse that really works?
    The one that works the best for me is this stuff called bowtrol colon cleanse. Although to be honest I haven't used any other products so I can't really compare them to others. I can only tell you about my experience using this one.

    I've been using it about 3 times a year (once a quarter) and it really helps clean up my system. I think of it like a neti pot for my system (btw - if you suffer from allergies I also HIGHLY recommend using neti pot).

    From what I've learned and experienced, doing the colon cleansing helps get rid of the toxins that build up in your body. It's kinda like hitting the reset button on your digestive system. :)

    The colon cleansings really helps puts a spring back in my step.

    Anyway, I got the stuff I use through mail order. I put the site below if you wanna take a look.

    Need info about natural cleansing of liver?

    Liver is the most important organ and part of the biliary system. The liver performs over 500 functions. Along with filtering out toxins and producing bile for digestion, it is the chemical factory, which regulate the levels of good and bad chemicals. The biliary system consists of the liver, gall bladder, pancreas and duodenum. The path way for bile travels through the hepatic duct where it connects to the common bile duct and the cystic duct. The bile travels up the cystic duct to the gall bladder where it is stored. When bile is needed it travels into the common bile duct and through the ampulla where it enters the duodenum.

    Liver produces bile in the polygonal cells from cholesterol (bilirubin and biliverdin) and bile salts (acids) that are linked from the amino acids glycine, glycocholic, taurine and taurocholic acid.

    The gall bladder stores up to two ounces of bile and releases it back into the common duct to digest fats or food particles as they leave the stomach and travel down the duodenum.

    Our duodenum starts at the outlet of the stomach or the upper part of the smaller intestine. As food travels from the stomach into the duodenum, the bile is released to emulsify the fats that turns them into the milky solution and returns the solution back via the blood.

    Pancreas produces lipase, an enzyme that helps breakdown fats. It also produces the hormone that stimulates contraction of the gall bladder and causes the ampulla to open so the bile can flow into the duodenum.

    Biliary system is the main part of your self colon cleansing natural detoxification system. When this system is working properly the function of all other organs will do their job more efficiently. When this system self cleans the accumulated waste and poisons that has absorbed from the blood, supposed to render them into other harmless compounds for elimination. If the passage way is not clear, the waste and poisons will accumulate and affects all other organs.

    Simple coffee enema can stimulate the release of bile, as do some herbs. Using ozone therapies with these techniques not only stimulates the release of hepatic bile but promotes healing at the same time. Flushing out the accumulation of debris in the liver allows it to absorb more and continue its job.
  • internet explorer download
  • Is there a recipe to make natural cleansing shampoo with ingredients from home?

    this page has some good home hair care ideas

    http://www.peaceful-organic-planet.com/o鈥?/a>Is there a recipe to make natural cleansing shampoo with ingredients from home?
    Yes.Is there a recipe to make natural cleansing shampoo with ingredients from home?
    there should be i hav a hole book full!

    What is the best natural way to detox your body and cleanse your colon?

    your body was made to take care if itself as long as you take care of it.

    You shouldn't have to 'detox' it, but if you feel the need stick to the all natural and just eat fruits and vegetables and 100% whole grains. They are all loaded with fiber which will help ya plus your not putting unnatural stuff in your body.

    Good luck :-)What is the best natural way to detox your body and cleanse your colon?
    Go to wholefoodsfarmacy.com--- this is a great detox system!What is the best natural way to detox your body and cleanse your colon?
    Herbalife has a great cleansing program.
    One word - COLONIC
    there is nothing dirty in any ones colon so there is no need ever to cleanse it

    What are some natural food/drinks i can consume to 'cleanse' my body of toxins, ect?

    Cranberry Juice is supposed to do wonders and the Chinese swear by Dandilion Root tea. And plain old water does help flush everything out, so drink plenty of it whatever else you try.What are some natural food/drinks i can consume to 'cleanse' my body of toxins, ect?
    There is this juice called POM and it's made from pomegranate and it has a gajillion naturally occuring antioxidants. :) It doesn't taste all that great but hey, if it did, it wouldn't be THAT good for you. :) You can find this in your local grocery store in the salad and stuff-that-is-good-for-you section. :)What are some natural food/drinks i can consume to 'cleanse' my body of toxins, ect?
    Dandelion root tea works to clean kidneys and such

    Burdock root and Yellow Dock root decoction works by cleansing the blood

    Garlic will help also
    Water and a high citric acid natural juice, cranberry, grapefruit.
    raw cabbage,apples, lemons sliced in water,broccoli are all great for that
    i heard this is good. 2 spoons of apple vinegar in a glass of water each morning on an empty stomach. i tried it once and it wasn't that bad.
    vinegar, coffee, Dark chocolate, Blue berries, lota water....those are some great antioxidants
    Take one glass wine and lots of water daily.





    lemon jucie.




    oats and other fibers.
    Only fruits and vegetables. But after you have fasted from eating for at least three days (you may drink water as much as you like during fasting).
    I would say water was a good start?
    Cranberry juice , cherry juice(tart), Pomegranate's ...oh, yea! and dandelion Wine, Too!

    What is a natural way to cleanse the colon without pills?

    Enema....changing your diet would be better...What is a natural way to cleanse the colon without pills?
    I mean you don't really need to make a big process out of it, but make sure you are eating enough fiber - whole grains and whole wheat, green veggies and celery.What is a natural way to cleanse the colon without pills?
    a washrag?
    There is no need to ';cleanse'; your colon if you eat a balanced diet with enough fiber in it. Try that first.....
    Hot water with lemon juice is a good way to clean out the system and it is good for the kidneys.First drink of the morning is the best time to do it.
    Water enema will work. Use a douch bag with water and it will all come out.
    Look into hydrotherapy, cleansing the colon with water. Its an alternative approach, helps with many things. I know people who have it done every six months or so. Check under alternative medicine.





    thats the stuff
    fruit and water fast,..

    for four days eat watermelon,.peaches,..apples pears,etc.,...and tons of water. This will cleanse the bowel and flush all that dead rotten, ecoli filled, feces out.
    Just make sure you have a healthy diet and drink lots of water!!

    Are there any natural colon cleanse methods?

    Slippery Elm

    (Ulmus fulva)

    Is a great herb that not only rehabilitates your GIT (Gastrointestinal Lining) to allow healthy passing of food, but also in ensuring proper absorption of essential nutrients through the elimination of leaky gut in the small intestine which is caused by consuming any dairy products.

    A general dosage is 1 tablespoon to one glass of Warm water (cold water won't allow slippery elm to dissolve and it will become 1 solid block of THICK SLIME.)

    Drink the one glass of slippery elm powder in a glass of WARM water

    than drink another glass of WARM water immediately after.

    Make sure you drink at least 2 -3 litres of water a day to make sure the slippery elm can easily exit the body thus to prevent constipation.

    A 6 week course of having slippery elm every morning will definitely restore the optimum PH %26amp; flora of your digestive system.

    Of course following a diet high in vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds %26amp; grains is the best way to make sure that your diet is supporting your digestive rehabilitation %26amp; not your slippery elm having to do all the work.

    =)Are there any natural colon cleanse methods?
    I had good luck with http://www.colonhealthmax.com and also dr natura products. natural sources are of course best and these did the trick for me. At first it took 2 weeks but then i started seeing results daily if you know what i mean.Are there any natural colon cleanse methods?

    u can try this site curezone.com they have all kinds of answers and questions from people who do colon cleanses.

    IsaGenix: Do I take the Natural Accelerator on my Cleanse days?

    I'm on the 9Day Cleanse system. Thanks!IsaGenix: Do I take the Natural Accelerator on my Cleanse days?
    Yes, once in the morning and once early afternoon.

    This should be on your timing sheet that came with the product.

    Good Luck and Happy Cleansing
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  • Will Jergens Natural glow moisturizer rub off my face if i cleanse it twice a day and tone it once?

    or will it stay on?Will Jergens Natural glow moisturizer rub off my face if i cleanse it twice a day and tone it once?
    doesn't rub off, I used it for a year now %26amp; am pleased with it...gives a natural, suttle darkend glow %26amp; softens your skin.

    Are there any natural ways to cleanse your Colan?

    Your colon cleans itself. All this nonsense about needing to ';cleanse'; your colon is bullsh*t, made up by those who want to sell you something. Just eat normally and your colon will be ';cleansed'; every time you go.Are there any natural ways to cleanse your Colan?
    use an enemaAre there any natural ways to cleanse your Colan?
    All you need is plenty of fiber and roughage that you can get from fruit and vegetables. Enemas are unnecessary.

    Liquid chlorophyll is a good colon cleanser and apple cider vinegar is another one.
    Eating lots of fibre (while making sure to drink lots of water), will help clean your colon. Fibre acts as roughage, not getting digested, and it help ';scrape'; out your colon.
    Look up the Master Cleanse.

    It's a liquid diet that you do for a minimum of 10 days. It really works.

    My mom needs to know what is a good natural laxative to cleanse?

    Psyllium Husk is a great natural laxative. It works by absorbing fluid and forming a 'bulk' and moving it out of the system. She must drink lots of water to help the process, otherwise it won't work as well.

    You can get it from pharmacies or supermarkets. In Australia is is sold as Metamucil. Do read all the instructions and be aware that some people can have any allergy to pysllium. Check with her first.My mom needs to know what is a good natural laxative to cleanse?
    applejuiceMy mom needs to know what is a good natural laxative to cleanse?
    an overipe fruit!

    trust me it works
    high intake of fiber (fruits, green leafy vegetables) and increase oral fluid intake
    digestive cookies,not natural but effective. Laxitives are no good. for us. Try natuaral licorice,bran is good too.also a handful of brown rice (uncooked )in you cereal,bran flakes cereal. these thing help move you naturally instead of all at once.
    Tea from senna leaves always seems to work. It is the main ingredient in most of the laxative pills on the market. In the carribean we boil the leaves, then drink it plain. Hope this helps
    Epsom salts. Start with a lose dosage.
    Prune juice or drink Dr Pepper every day, it keeps you cleansed naturally.
    eat a lot of apples!
    lotsa fruit.
    I think this is so nasty, but my grandmother drink one glass of Plum-smart (I think it is made by Sunkist) and she says that it keeps everything clean and clear (gross).
    raisin bran .... with a prune juice chaser LOL
    A big glass of prune juice with plenty of water after, so you don't get dehydrated. But watch out, it doesn't take long!

    My mom needs to know what is a good natural lasative to cleanse?

    Epsom salts, apple juice, berries.My mom needs to know what is a good natural lasative to cleanse?
    Detox CleanseMy mom needs to know what is a good natural lasative to cleanse?
    eat prunes...........
    Fiber. Anything high in fiber. Plums, any veggies...
    choose one day in one week that just have vegetables and fruits all day long. Dun forget to drinnk 300-500cc everyning after u wake up and before u have any meal. This is the best natural way to cleanse the toxic in our body
    I used Oxy Powder. It worked well without dehydrating or anything like that. It isn't really a laxative per se, but more of a cleanser http://www.oxypowder.com/

    I also take Metamucil capsules with calcium on days I don't get enough fiber. They do a decent job without any extra gas or bloating.
    coffee is your best choice.
    coconut juice.see Castaways.

    Natural home remedy for body detox and colon cleanse?

    I want to lose weight and lower my blood pressure but I don't want to use those expensive supplements they always are advertising.Natural home remedy for body detox and colon cleanse?
    Your liver and toilet paper - the weight loss is minimal and it doesn't do a thing for blood pressure, but I hear exercise is great for both.Natural home remedy for body detox and colon cleanse?
    This is from ';First Magazine for Women';, September 10, 2007:

    Day 1: Liver and gallbladder cleanse

    Morning: ';Energizer juice Blend'; - Juice 1 beet, 7 carrots, 2 apples, 1 cup kale, 1 cup spinach, 1 oz. aloe vera gel (you can find it at Trader Joe's) and 3 tbs. extra virgin olive oil.

    This helps the body flush toxins out of the liver and gallbladder)

    Drink 1 cup water after.

    Noon: Juice 2 stalks celery, 6 stalks spinach or kale, 4 stalks asparagus, and 1 apple. Again, drink 1 cup water afterward.

    Dinner: eat a bowl of steamed vegetables with rice.

    DAY 2: Colon Cleanse (That is, if day 1 didn't clean you out enough)

    Morning: juice 1/2 cup blueberries, 1 pear, 1/2 medium raw potato, and 3 apples. You may add some psyllium powder if you wish. This should collect everything in your colon and send it out.

    This is a good weekend program. The magazine says you should do this for a week, but once a week or on a weekend when you aren't doing anything should be enough when you are not used to fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. But you really should get in the habit of eating fresh fruits and vegetables for breakfast and lunch instead of egss and bacon and hamburgers and sandwiches with meat and cheese every day. Quit alcohol and coffee, switch to herbal teas for your flavored beverages. And give yourself time to adjust to a new way of eating. One good way to embrace a change is to seek out ethnic restaurants that use more vegetables in their ingredients - especially chinese or indian foods. That way you can taste vegetables prepared so much better than American style.

    Good luck. I am working on drinking less soda this year. Hard to do when the bubbles help my bad digestion.
    Exercise Regularly - Regular exercise will help stimulate and regulate your bowel movements, which will help maintain a clean colon and reduce the risk of colon polyps formation and colon cancer (notably in men). Unfortunately, researchers point out that the same type of moderate-to-rigorous exercise that maintains colon health in men, does not show improved results in the colon health in women. The reason for the gender gap is not clear. Studies suggest that since exercise lowers estrogen levels, the lower estrogen level may provide limited colon protection in women. Studies also suggest that men on average put in more intensive efforts in their workouts, which might better explain the difference in outcome between men and women. In any case, a regular exercise program will promote general health in either gender regardless of the findings. Or try searching for homeopathic remedies products that will help you to overcome colon cleanse naturally.
    For your meals on a colon cleanse you need to stop eating prepackaged items. You will want to cut out all salt and sugar in your diet. These items are what can lead to the toxins building up in your.

    Your meals need to consist almost entirely of fruits and vegetables. These fruits and vegetables are to be plain. You can not use seasoning, butter, and dressing on them. You can eat these healthy foods raw or you can cook them. The best way to eat them cooked is steamed. There is no added fat in steaming. This method also keeps the nutrients in the foods for the colon cleanse. It is important when you follow a colon cleanse to make sure that your body is still getting the nutrients that you need. You do not want to be starving yourself.

    While you are following the easy colon cleanse, the only thing that you should drink is water. Stay away from caffeine, juices, milk, and other types of beverages. You can flavor your water with cut up lemon and limes. Stay away from lemon and lime juice that are sold in stores. These contain preservatives that can stop your easy colon cleanse in its tracks.

    Follow this diet for four days to cleanse your colon and be on your way to being healthy.
    To lose weight exercise more and eat less. Fiddling with detoxes and colon cleanses is useless.

    The easiest way to begin to control blood pressure is to consume less sodium. Sodium causes you to retain water which immediately raises blood pressure. Exercise should help reduce blood pressure too.
    I like nettle tea, best made from the raw herb%26amp;about 50p for 4oz, lasts ages. Everyone is different. If you have high blood pressure you should ask for your doctors advice on detoxing as it can have adverse effects. Have you considered exercise?thats the best way to lower bp%26amp;detox.
    Try the acai berries.

    I bought the colon cleanse but would rather do it naturally, like you.

    Hot coffee and a coupla prunes seem to do it for me!
    http://www.thecoloncleanseresource.com There is tons of info on homemade cleanses and stuff in the article section of this site.

    Saturday, December 12, 2009

    Any one know of a body cleansing product from canada ?? its like an all natural ingredient body cleanser ..??

    I really want to try it but my coworker forgot the name of this juice blend/shake, that helps your body cleanse from toxins, etc ....Any one know of a body cleansing product from canada ?? its like an all natural ingredient body cleanser ..??
    There is a product sold at Walmart, GNC, etc. that is called Whole Body Cleanse, it is affordable, about $20, and it works very well if you follow the directions.

    Many of the ';Body Cleanse'; products contain similar ingredients, though some have ';different'; ingredients, they mostly do the same thing.
  • internet explorer download
  • Has anyone had any negative side effects from an all natural herbal parasite cleanse?

    The most common negative side effect from a natural herbal parasite cleanse is an empty wallet and diarrhea.

    There is no efficacy to these things. If you are living in the US and you have formed stools, you don't have a parasite. If you are concerned, why not visit your physician for a quick stool exam (it's easy and painless). Any parasitic infection should be treated with an appropriate anti-parasitic medication.

    I'm not sure why people think that an episode of diarrhea will cure a parasitic infections. An active, naturally obtained intestinal parasitic infection will typically cause diarrhea and will not dislodge any parasites.

    Also, diarrhea is inherently bad... Think about the electrolyte imbalances and potential for dehydration. Save your money for something pleasant and actually healthful... Like a salad or a gym membership.Has anyone had any negative side effects from an all natural herbal parasite cleanse?
    I never have.

    I personally use a Revolutionary new techonology that is Doctor Recommended and cleanses the whole body.

    I have lost 20 lbs and gone from a size 18-10. If you would like more information please feel free to email me directly at bignlild@msn.com

    or visit http://diamondd.infoseekdirect.com... and watch the video that is on the topHas anyone had any negative side effects from an all natural herbal parasite cleanse?
    A condition called the Herxheimer Effect takes place when we mobilize toxins in our body preparatory to their elimination. It means we will feel worse before we feel better. Generally lasts from 3 5 days. Best of luck.
    Well, I bought the Ultimate Cleanse that cost $24 came with 2 cds with detailed information about the cleanse and each product in it. I started using the cleanse and was doing good for about a week. Got a bad pain in my left backside and realized I was dealing with my second espisode with Kideny Stones. Doggone...shouldnt the cleanse have helped against this considering all the products it is loaded with?! I really got discouraged with the cleanse and gave it away, cds and all! Since than I ahve been using the old fashioned method with great results....EPSOM SALT.......and it didnt cost no way near $24!
    I don't know what you were taking, but any time one is doing a cleanse, in general, about 20% will get ';worse'; before they get better. The reason is that you are moving the toxins or parasites are fighting back in this case. The important thing is to keep at it. I remember a woman taking a parasitic cleanse. She was feeling like a dirty dog for about 3 days. Then, she noticed some dead white ';bugs'; in her stool and the next day she felt better than she had in over 10 years.

    What natural herbs can i use for colon cleansing?

    vitimins or other natural remeadiesWhat natural herbs can i use for colon cleansing?
    Senna, Cascara Sagrada, psyllum husk, and Grape Seed.

    Also try plain yogurt enemas ( 2 tbs mixed with 4 cups of warm watter) or drink daily 2 tbs of ';cold pressed';extra virgin olive oil, don't worry it wont screw your cholesterol.What natural herbs can i use for colon cleansing?
    psyllium seed husks, cascara
    lacy lebeaux-its an natural herb tea that you can get at a health food store..
    Are you some kind of whacko? You do not need to cleanse your colon. It does it by itself every time you crap.......
    whole wheat bread
    have your bf or gf give you a cinnamon enema
    Your colon does not need ';cleansing';.

    well for that i was drinking a packet called the paraway pack and it cleans ur inside and it reall works u should try it
    apple cider vinegar or any organic coconut vinegar.add in your meal the fruits and vegetables.

    What is a SAFE natural colon cleanse?

    There are a lot of scams out there...do any of you know any SAFE, colon cleansing recipes? Preferably herbal.

    :)What is a SAFE natural colon cleanse?
    Yes there are lots of scams out there, and one of them is that your colon needs cleansing. It doesn't.

    From Wiki:

    ';No scientific evidence supports the alleged benefits of colon cleansing. The bowel itself is not dirty and barring drugs or disease, cleans itself naturally without need for assistance.

    Colon cleansing is not necessary as the body naturally removes waste material. Colon cleansing may disrupt the balance between bacteria and natural chemicals in the bowel, and may interfere with the colon's ability to shed dead cells. Other rare but serious complications include gastrointestinal perforation from improper insertion, and amoebic infection from poorly sterilised equipment. Some colon cleansing regimes disrupt fluid and electrolyte balance which may lead to dehydration and salt depletion, whilst repeated or excessive cleansing programs can lead to anemia and malnutrition. Excessive use of enemas have also been associated with cardiac problems such as heart failure, and heart attacks related to electrolyte imbalances when used with coffee.

    The frequent use of enemas or other colon cleansing tools may lead to dependence and an inability to defecate without assistance or withdrawal symptoms. Herbs that are consumed for colon cleansing and taken as oral preparations may also interfere with drug absorption and effectiveness.';

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colon_clean鈥?/a>What is a SAFE natural colon cleanse?
    I would recommend staying away from all packaged ';colon cleanse'; products as most are simply a waste of money - with a few being potentially dangerous to your health.

    The absolute best choice is to speak with a naturalpathic doctor about it. He/she would review your overall health, medications, medical needs, lifestyle etc and make an educated recommendation.

    But if you aren't able to do that, there is a simple one day cleanse that should be safe for you. for one day only - eat only oranges and drink only white grape juice and water. It will clear out anything that may be blocked, sticking to the sides etc. As it is an only a one-day cleanse its easy to fit into your schedule.

    That being said, I would like to say that I agree with some of the other answerers who listed that a diet with lots of fresh fruit, veggies and water will also work. this is quite true but sometimes people don't eat as well as they should, so a periodic cleanse is usually ok to do. But again, only a qualified Naturalpathic Doctor could say for sure.

    I hope that helps.
    Your colon does not need cleansing. If you eat a healthy mix of foods, including plenty of fruits and vegetables and grains, your colon will do just fine. There is nothing in there that doesn't belong there. Please appreciate the wonderful body nature has given you. Your teeth do not need whitening, your natural hair color is perfect for you, your breasts are just the right size and natural small beats fake large any day.
    How about the Lemonade Diet, aka The Master Cleanse? My bf's sister tried it out (I think for only a couple days) and she said it worked. You can find recipes on this website: http://www.lifetrainingonline.com/blog/l鈥?/a>

    You can find all you need to know just by typing ';Lemonade diet'; in a search engine.
    Its safe and less painful than a prostate exam. lol

    I am young and I have never had my colon cleanse but they say it is healthy to have it done when you get around your thirties to help prevent prostate and colon cancer. I say get it done with a product that gives at least a free trial offer. Ima look for sum and if i find one I will post a link for it.
    Deep Breathing and a logical fast.
    Here's a site with a lot of helpful information. There are several cleanses and diets to help you restore and maintain good health.
    the online kits are overpriced, you can talk to a nutritionist about many different diets that will cleanse your colon
    lots of water and lots of resh fruits and veggies.

    How can I cleanse my colon with natural remedies?Where to find the products?

    Try to eat food high in fiber (25-35 grams a day). This will ensure a bowel movement everyday. A change of diet is recommended if a person wants to move the bowel every single day. Bowel Movement is a waste product of the body. Health food stores is the best place to find these remedies.How can I cleanse my colon with natural remedies?Where to find the products?
    try cod liver oil.How can I cleanse my colon with natural remedies?Where to find the products?
    brew some coffee, let it cool, put it in a plastic bottle and squeeze it you know where, via a plastic tube

    very cleansing and invigorating

    initially rather messy though
    Eat raw food drink a lot and take psyllium. I am a health nut for decades.
    A health food store carries many different items to cleanse the colon. If you don't care to purchase a ';kit';, something I have used in the past that works well is called ';Triphala';. It's sold under the brand ';Planetary Formulas';. It is made from Indian herbal fruits and supports the body's own natural cleansing process. The company also sells a product called ';Tri-Cleanse';. To keep regular I put flax seeds in my foods.
    go to anby vitamin store like the vitamin shoppe or vitamin world. they have detox kits.
    I really hope this can be of help to you. I suffered from colon problems for a long time until it got to the point where I decided that I did not want to suffer any more. Most doctors blame it on nerves. It is not so. It has to do with what we eat.

    1. At breakfast have a large bowl of Quaker oat with honey or sugar and milk if you like. Drink fresh squeezed grapefruit juice before.

    2. Have soups with small pieces of chicken meat or any other kind of meat that you may prefer. Do not eat big heavy meals for a while - a month approximately-.

    3. Drink a lot of Chinese green tea. Chinese green tea cures even cancer. You will get rid in this way of all the toxins in your body. Check the Internet on the properties of green tea and you will see. Good luck.
    Hi Miss V

    There are several ones I would recommend and here they are.




    Best of health to you

    Is there a natural brand of body wash, soap that cleanses, moisturizes, and cure skin impurities?

    One without sulfates, or bad preservatives. And one that would fix skin impurities, like skin discolorations.Is there a natural brand of body wash, soap that cleanses, moisturizes, and cure skin impurities?
    Virtually all commercial products contain harmful chemicals and preservatives and are invariably expensive. The best modest cost natural moisturizer that also works wonders on discolorations and many other skin conditions is olive oil. It is excellent for oily skins and acne prone skins. See for yourself with web search ';Olive oil as a moisturizer and cure for skin ailments.'; It quickly absorbs into skin and does not leave it oily. You can remove any excess by splashing with water and drying with an old towel. You can clean skin with modest price soaps/cleaners that contain no adulterations or colorants or harsh chemicals that you can buy at health food stores, Walmart, and some drugstores. Find with web search 篓';non harming soaps, cleaners sold in stores?';

    I had countless skin conditions, discolorations and freckles -severe dry skin, spots and scars, even warts, on face and body and all where treated solely with natural oils and I particularly liked olive oil. I massaged very vigorously over and over every day and some were permanently got rid of in a matter of weeks, some took a little longer. When massaged into facial skin it gives it a healthy glow and tightens and rejuvenates skin. See my Best Answers(skin conditions, olive oil)Is there a natural brand of body wash, soap that cleanses, moisturizes, and cure skin impurities?
    The most common otc products ive seen used by a dermatologist is dove and cetaphil they seem to work pretty well
    i would try proactive because they have the only prescription grade benzol proxided and camaile products that are made to treat your skin like your at a spa. they offer a aray of products incuding body washes that will help put mositure back into your skin and revitalize it at the same time.
    Try Dove, Ivory, Biori or Oil of Olay
    Bior cleansing, although its only for the face and neck.

    How do you cleanse your colon the natural way?

    Eat fruits and veggies and drink water.How do you cleanse your colon the natural way?
    Eat healthfully, especially with lots of natural fiber (whole grains, vegetables, fruits).

    Your colon doesn't need ';cleansing';. If you get a rise out of enemas, go ahead; but the only actual benefits are:

    1) relief of constipation (useless if you're NOT constipated)

    2) a turn on, if you're kinky.

    Enemas can actually be bad for you; you absorb a lot of nutrients through your intestines. If you flush out food too quickly, you may not be getting enough nutrients, especially if you aren't eating properly in the first place. And if you're eating properly in the first place, you generally have no use at all for enemas.How do you cleanse your colon the natural way?
    Eat plenty of fiber which includes fruits and vegetables, also plenty of water but a technique that you can use that is natural is a cup of water, take a fresh lemon and squeeze about half of the lemon into the water and drink that every morning when you wake up you can also add an all natural molasses just about one half tablespoon to your water and lemon in the mornings.
    There's this great product that my sister swears by, and I have used as well and have found it quite effective with helping weightloss and used as a part of a detox program... and its all natural ingredients and vitamins too with minerals, fibres and antioxidants... I swear its fabulous....

    Its called Xeno Clear by a company called Bioceuticals... google them =)
    This silliness about people thinking that they all need to 'cleanse' their colons is just that.....silliness. Its just a phase that will pass soon.

    The only thing your gut needs is for you to eat right and poop everyday. That alone will keep you healthy.
    Sounds like you heard about the pending class action of Fleet products, just eat your fiber and drink lots of water.
    Poop till it hurts
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  • Know a natural/herbal way to cleanse my body of parasites?

    i am going to the Dominican Republic for 2 weeks in late july and last time i went i came home with a ';bug'; that lasted 2 weeks. i would like to cleanse when i return to avoid 2 weeks in the bathroom and an E.R. visit.Know a natural/herbal way to cleanse my body of parasites?
    first answer is right - eat a clove of garlic every day (you have to eat it whole as once you cut it open, or mash it or mince it and do not consume it right away, it looses its power to cure). it will kill parasites.

    also, you can buy black walnut extract.Know a natural/herbal way to cleanse my body of parasites?
    Garlic WILL work, but you have to use a LOT of it. I suggest buying the minced garlic as it works quicker. You will want to take at least 3 to 4 heaping tablespoons three times a day for the first three days you are home. You may also want to drink some vinegar with the garlic (apple cider vinegar works best for me!), but don't overdo it--only about 3 to 4 ounces with every garlic dose.

    If you are having problems with the digestive tract that you can sense are in the lower intestinal area, garlic enemas can also be helpful, but I would recommend speaking to a professional herbalist about this, because describing the procedure here leaves a lot of open areas that cannot be addressed succinctly, and your personal body type may dictate different treatments than those that work for others (sensitive).

    Best of luck with this, I have been through it, too, and the garlic and vinegar works every time.
    Mangosteen is very good for just this sort of thing. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mangosteen



    %26lt;mainly anti-cancer based research%26gt;
    I used this with good results, though I did not have any exotic parasites. Just the usual sushi and poor diet realted issues.

    What parasite did you get. Worms, or nematodes, or amoebas, or giardia? Likely you got a bacterial infection not a parasite. I would guess that where you are going would be a great place to actually get a parasite. If you did garlic or anything like that will do nothing. In many cases it is impossible to get rid of the animal living off of you. Malaria is like that. A really cool one is the Loa Loa or the eye worm. I have seen pics of some guy getting the worm pulled out of him right through his eye. If you really did get a parasite you will know it, and if it is possible to get rid of it, it will take some powerful drugs to do it.
    Black Walnut Hulls, Black Walnut Extract, Fig Enzyme, Jerusalem Oak Seed, Bromelain, Papain, Cascara Sagrada Bark, Sage, Male Fern, Odorless Garlic, Green Ginger Root, Culvers Root, Violet Leaf, Pomegranate Bark, Pumpkin Seed, Tansy Seed, White Oak Bark

    The best way to rid your body of parasites is to do a whole body detoxification. The life of a parasite is 6 weeks. A product called Paratrex combines the best organic ingredients that have been known to help rid the body of parasites. When ridding the body of parasites you will experience headaches, rash, nausea and vomiting. These are all normal detoxication effects. If you do experience these effects, these are all good signs that your body is ridding itself of the parasites.Another product that can also help rid the body of parasites is called Oxy-Powder. This product will oxidize the compacted fecal matter in your intestines.
    Garlic. Two pills after eating each meal. It will kill parasites in the intestinal tract. You can take it orally while you're there, and then use it as an enema when you get home if you have a problem. If you stay away from fish and other meats and drink only bottled water, you may not run into the problem to begin with.

    My friend had the same problem when he returned from China and he took garlic the whole time he was there the last time he went and didn't have a problem. Best of luck and I hope this helps!
    Pumpkin seeds.
    I have been doing some online research on food grade diatomaceous earth for human consumption, we give it to our pets %26amp; livestock for parasite control, and it also can be used as a dust to kill fleas, flies, %26amp; bedbugs! A lot of farmers use it themselves, you can get it at feed stores or natural food stores.
    celery and a handful of uncooked rice (sharpen your teeth) is perfect for killing parasites in the stomach

    What are some natural ways to cleanse your face?

    Can eatting certain foods or drinking certain fluids help cleanse your skin. Is there anything else out there besides all these chemicalsWhat are some natural ways to cleanse your face?
    Drink water. Tons of water. It gives you a healthy glow and leaves your skin refreshed.

    Also, eat healthy. You are literally what you eat..What are some natural ways to cleanse your face?
    Some students in Taiwan like to use Chlorella Gel Cleanser to clean corneous cells, sebum, sweat, dust, and removes pimples. Chlorella Gel Cleanser is made of food algae. It is a natural care product. No chemicals are added. You can try it.
    yogurt. Plain . will make your skin soft and dewy. add raw oatmeal.
    Eat healthy- Fruits, veggies, protein, less junk food (i.e fast food)

    Drink water- 5-8 cups a day is good.

    Wash face with water- if you want, cleanse with soap made for face.

    Exfoliate;natural remedie *1 tbls yogurt *1 tsp sugar *Drizzle or honey

    Mix together until light yellow color.

    Can i cleanse my face with soap made from Olive oil, Palm kernal oil, natural spring water fragrance?

    It says that it is all natural and you can use it on normal, combination, hypo-allergenic, sensitive and problem skin. I am 14 i have combination skin but i rarely have pimples it foams up is it good enough to use as a cleanser?Can i cleanse my face with soap made from Olive oil, Palm kernal oil, natural spring water fragrance?
    If you have normal skin now, using the natural ingredients will keep your skin that way. Olive oil has always been a good moisturizer and so is Palm kernel oil. People believe that in order to clean the skin, you have to use some form of harsh soap to remove residues. That is not true. Your skin responds to many organic / natural ingredients and I believe if you can eat it, then it's good for your skin. So go ahead and keep to as many natural/organic ingredients as you can and you're ahead of the game.Can i cleanse my face with soap made from Olive oil, Palm kernal oil, natural spring water fragrance?
    i dunno!
    All soaps are made with a fat of some kind. Most soaps you buy use tallow which is animal fat. Lye is added to the fat and heated to cause saponificatioin and create soap. Now, olive oil is excellent for your skin. It is loaded with nutrients, vitamins and compounds that benefit the skin. The only ingredient I see in your list that isn't great is the fragrance because that is a synthetic chemical. It's better to use skin care products that have essential oils for fragrance. Soaps that dry your skin are not good because your skin works harder to produce more oils in order to replenish the natural oils that have been stripped away.

    Yes, cleanse your face with this soap and try a little olive oil to moisturize your face afterwards.
    usually you dont want to use soaps or anything with oil look for oil free and fragrance is bad too...............
    yes you can. the natural smoothing effect in the olive oil helps a lot.
    if that's all the ingredients it will not cleanse your skin
    Yes !!! I would say that it would not let the essential oils vanish from your skin as you would be using Olive Oil, and Palm kernal oil which are two of the best oils which can be used as antioxidants also which would make ur skin better
    Depends on your skin. I would be wary to switch products if you are not having problems with break-outs.

    If you offer the name of the soap, maybe someone here can tell you if they have used it before?

    Natural ingredients to cleanse my face with?

    Hey everyone, (:

    have you used or know of any natural cleansers for the face that you know work and are good for the skin?

    Thanks in advance %26amp; have a happy 4th! xxNatural ingredients to cleanse my face with?
    no offense to devon BUT DONT USE TOOTHPASTE!

    I tried that once and it burned my face(really)

    my uncle is a nurse and he told me the flouride in the toothpaste burns skin!

    oh. and I've heard of using eggs but mixed together not seperate (but thats just what i heard) I tried it once and it worked pretty good. And Neutrogena helps with acne(it helped me with my first ever pimple and it worked quick!) but i dont know/think its natural

    :)Natural ingredients to cleanse my face with?
    a warm solution of baking soda, rinse with cold water, then used a pad to apply ';witch hazel'; both are inexpensive, and found in most drug stores. witch hazel is also good after shaving, to reduce redness and burning irritation..
    i use the white part of an egg to cleanse and the yellow

    to moisturise.

    it works really well but remember to rinse it off after 15 min.
    i know toothpaste helps with acne...

    Where can I get a natural colon cleanse program?


    There are so many different cleansing products and ways to cleanse its confusing. I think an all natural product would be needed since your trying to rid your body of excess chemicals. The one I promote at my clinic and have personally used it myself and loved it which is an aloe vera base formula with ionic minerals. Its not an aggressive colon cleanse but it works. you can check it out at http://www.healthcenter.isagenix.com

    Best of Health

    Dr. MarcotteWhere can I get a natural colon cleanse program?
    http://search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=A0ge鈥?/a>Where can I get a natural colon cleanse program?
    ever thought about going to a place that specializes in colon irregation (colonics) . The think that they do a better job than an over the counter/ health food supply stuff that you could buy.
    Try an all natural herbal colon cleansing treatment called Bowtrol. Bowtrol is formulated to maximize one's elimination without causing loose stools or uncomfortable cramping via frequent healthy bowel movements while assisting in cleansing the vital organs and lymphatic system.
    Are u a dr
    in my backyard. raspberries are a great colon cleanser... especially for rabbits.

    Best natural way to cleanse my body after taking RX MEDS?

    i took Zoloft for 2 days and decided it wasn't for me. i talk to my doctor and since i only took it for 2 days i can just stop taking it. i was just wondering if there's body cleanse or detox( natural ways preferred) i don't want to feel the side affects of this drug anymore. I HATE IT. not only the drugs but i feel i need a body cleanse in general. THANK YOUBest natural way to cleanse my body after taking RX MEDS?
    The best thing you could try would be a raw food diet- for several days, consume nothing but raw fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, fresh (not pasteurized) juices, and lots of filtered water.

    Raw fibrous vegetables pass through your system incredibly quickly, sweeping out the intestines as they go, facilitating toxin elimination from the liverBest natural way to cleanse my body after taking RX MEDS?
    Fruits and vegetable juices are considered as very good aids in colon cleansing process. This is because of all the nutrients it can supply to your body. It is recommended that you should take a lot of fruit and vegetable juices every day. Juice is very useful in cleaning your blood. If you have a clean blood which is full of nutrients, you will be assured of a better health away from all sorts of illnesses.
    Drink lots of water (up to 1/2 you body weight in ounces) Like - if you weigh 120 lb s - you can drink up to 60 ounces of water per day. You can fast or eat only apples. It should be out of your system in 24 hours.
    To add to what the others have said, you could try some milk thistle capsules to help detox your liver. The liver has to filter most medications, and a good liver cleanse can help you feel better. Good luck.
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  • Is acai burn more of a diet pill than a natural cleanse to the body?

    Acai Burn is a diet supplement that is supposed to help you lose up to 4.5 times more weight than diet and exercise alone. Acai Burn contains a special blend of herbs and other ingredients that may help to speed up weight loss. It also helps to burn stomach fat and boost energy levels.

    It is also known as a fat fighting formulaIs acai burn more of a diet pill than a natural cleanse to the body?
    I have been through it all and know what's it about. The main thing is to stick in there. You can't be an addict to food and never exercise if you want to live a healthy life and keep the weight off. I've worked out, done every diet, and all types of classes.

    Nothing works, besides dedication and intelligence towards the subject of losing weight.

    First, depending on how much weight you need to lose, your diet is the first concern. You can't eat 10,000 calories a day and expect the weight to come off, even if you are exercising a lot. Which brings us to the next thing. Duh, Exercising...

    This is a must especially if you need to a lot of weight. Get at least 30 mins of some good hardcore exercising. Do some cardio, in the long run, it's good for the heart.

    However, I find the most hardest part of losing weight/keeping it off, in my diet. It's so hard to keep your fingers out of the cookie jar or those chocolate goodies. I've found a great addition to help any one out, it's a natural weight loss supplement called Proactol. Now don't get all crazy on me and say diet pills don't work. That is true, but not in this case. This one isn't meant to burn pounds while you sit on the couch. It's an appetite suppressant, along with being a fat binder. I saved money on the pills at theweightlossplace.com along with getting some good info. It basically makes those fingers not go towards the cookie jar. For me it's the best pill I've tried and I've tried cupboards full. Now this doesn't mean you have to follow my foot steps but I've successfully lost roughly 70 pounds and keeping it off til this day.

    Well good luck and remember what I said, Dedicate.Is acai burn more of a diet pill than a natural cleanse to the body?
    I'm currently on the acai burn diet. It's a combination of the acai berry pills and a colon cleanser. The acai berry pills burns fat and increase energy. The colon cleanser..well..cleans you out. I'm currently on the diet. Only day two though.
    Supposedly it does both. Many companies offer free trials of Acai so you can 'try before you buy'. That's probably your best bet. This site lists free trial offers:


    i think its fake.

    What is the best, natural, at home way to cleanse your skin?

    Skin experts recommend avoiding soap because of its high pH. A high pH (alkaline) soap will dry the skin and diminish its life expectancy. The skin's surface is mildly acidic, having a pH of around 5. Most soaps are well over 7, and some as high as 10. Soaps with a high pH will not only dry the skin but also eliminate its acid mantle (coating on the surface).

    You can make good skin cleansers from natural products. For example, products that contain vegetable oils, such as coconut oil, and water, combine with sebum and allow it to be dissolved and rinsed away. At the same time, water dissolves dirt.

    Effective skin cleansers can contain a number of different vegetable oils, including coconut, sesame, or palm oils. These are safe and effective cleansers and have a relatively low pH. Stearic acid provides the skin a pearly firmness.

    Another organic products that is increasingly useful in skin care is seaweed. The high mineral content of seaweed stimulates circulation, helps eliminate toxins imbedded in the skin, and leaves the skin feeling smooth. Seaweeds can also strengthen the immunity and healing functions of the skin by providing the needed minerals.

    ~~What is the best, natural, at home way to cleanse your skin?
    Clarisonic Skincare Brush. Oprah selected it as one of her favorite things.What is the best, natural, at home way to cleanse your skin?
    Mash avocado, sand and yoghurt.

    Is there a natural way to do a colon cleanse?

    I want to clear up all the gunk in my colon without paying a lot of money for fancy products. Is there a homemade thing to eat that will help do the trick?Is there a natural way to do a colon cleanse?
    there is a product called colon cleanse which removes excess fecal material from the colon.this material can remain in the colon for years and the body is healthier without it.Is there a natural way to do a colon cleanse?
    Yes. Sit on the toilet and let nature take it's course.

    Colon cleansing is UNNATURAL, and is quackery. It is not necessary as the body naturally removes waste material, it has evolved over millions of years to do so, and in a normal healthy person it is very efficient at doing so. Colon cleansing is dangerous, and may disrupt the balance between bacteria and natural chemicals in the bowel, and may interfere with the colon's ability to shed dead cells.

    From Wiki:

    ';No scientific evidence supports the alleged benefits of colon cleansing. The bowel itself is not dirty and barring drugs or disease, cleans itself naturally without need for assistance. Some types of colon cleansing present potential hazards; the equipment used during colon cleansing has caused damage to the rectum in a small number of individuals, and caused amoebiasis when improperly sterilized. Certain enema preparations have been associated with heart attacks and electrolyte imbalances. Frequent colon cleansing may interfere with the proper functioning of the colon and can lead to dependence on laxatives or enemas to defecate. Some herbs used may also interact with or reduce the effectiveness of prescription drugs.';

    Give it a miss.
    Wow! There are sure a lot of opinions out there. Too many studies have shown that some waste tends to stay in the system from the foods we eat, to ignore the beneficial effects of cleansing the colon.

    You've obviously done some research, so I won't baffle you with all the teckno babbel.

    The best natural cleanse on the market, and the best selling is named Boweltrol. I have learned that the makers are offering a free trial offer, with a money back guarantee.

    you can get more information at: www.

    my family regularly do detox to help cleanse our system. my mom had colon cancer and ever since we try to do our detox every few months. it is more of homeopathic remedy. we make fresh orange, lemon,and grape fruit juice. the first 2 day, you consume only the juice all day. the third day, while still consuming the juice, with light meals and fiber tablets. the acidity of the juices will help cleansing the lining the colon. the only thing is that it might cause some runs on the first day. test it out for a day before you go through with the whole process
    Hi there,

    Theres a lemon cayenne pepper drink thats I have regularly. I have colon cleansed for years and it makes me feel great. Its all down to the individual. If it makes you feel good, do it.

    Heres that drink: http://www.bestcoloncleansechoice.com/How-to-Make-Lemon-Cayenne-Pepper-Detox-Drink.html
    omega3 will clean your colon and help your skin look better.
    no i dont think so good luck

    Natural, gentle, unscented way to cleanse skin and body?

    I am seeking a soap or cleanser for the whole body that is as ';chemical free'; as possible, contain no parabens or SLS, etc.

    I am seeking alternative products that are TRULY organic and natural, (not just fancy packaging that says natural on it)

    Personal reviews about products that you have actually used are most welcome!

    Thanks!Natural, gentle, unscented way to cleanse skin and body?
    Their entire line is all natural organic. I would recomend them. They have unscented stuff as well. Natural, gentle, unscented way to cleanse skin and body?
    Marykay has the best ..and natural beauty products and skin care ...i have a friend that would love to be your beauty consultant contact her at

    www.marykay.com/wiseone or go www.marykay.com and enter her name tara wise and city georgia ...she will ship the products to you with free shippin and handling, order up under her name or go to her website...and for referring other to buy off her website she will give you free products...so actually if others buy from her all your makeup will be free.


    Has anyone tried the Natural Acai Berry Cleanse and Intracleanse together?

    I just ordered free trial bottles of both and I was hoping i could get some opinions on them before I decide whether or not I want to stick with them.Has anyone tried the Natural Acai Berry Cleanse and Intracleanse together?
    Not really sure what I would recommend to you specifically. There are so many products out there so what I end up doing is starting with the less expensive and trying out several trials and seeing the results.This is a good website at http://www.pure-acai-berry.saverightnow.info visit and see if it interests you, I did.Has anyone tried the Natural Acai Berry Cleanse and Intracleanse together?
    Actually this site is a really good one to. They tell you exactly how to use the two of them so that you don't have to waste time trying to figure it out when you get them.

    You can start losing weight right away and they have an excellent special going on right now as well. Also they have a really good reputation for having good customer support and answering any questions that you may have about the products they sale. Here's the link .

    Good Luck!
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