Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What are some natural (and cheap) ways to flush or cleanse your body?

personal experience?What are some natural (and cheap) ways to flush or cleanse your body?
personal experience! take 3 tb spoon of apple cider vinegar in the morning and at night. its very healthy for you, it has about 90 types of minerals/vitamins, it flushes your system, great for digestive system, immune system..and it makes your joints flexible.

totall natural...and SO CHEAP!What are some natural (and cheap) ways to flush or cleanse your body?
Room temperature coffee enema.

Cranberry Juice

Ludens Cough Drops
I had a friend and teammate in high school who used to drink clay. She wouldn't just go outside and gather up some mud or anything, but there are clay drinks you can buy where you make it yourself and it's supposed to cleanse your liver. But you have to do a bunch of stuff beforehand. I know she would have to drink a certain (and large!) amount of water each day for 1 week before she drank it, and then drink a bunch of water after, just to make sure she didn't get dehydrated. Also, I don't know about cleansing, but if you go to Jamba Juice, the wheat grass shots are supposed to be 1 pound of vegetables worth of nutrients. Like 1 oz. of wheat grass=1 pound of vegetables. I don't know if it necessarily cleanses your body, but it's supposed to be super good for you. So yeah, I'd look for a website or something where you can order the clay cocktail thing. She used to do it once every few months. I don't know what it did for her, but it supposedly worked. Good luck!
stick to a diet of only fruit, vegetables and fish. for 1-2 weeks. you also need to be drinking about 3-5 litres of water a day and exercising. you might also want to try going to a sauna to cleanse your pores. stay healthy though.
My friends and I drink green tea when we want to sober up a bit after drinking too much rum and running around with people dressed up like pirates and fairies.
Water and plenty of it.

You could fast for a weekend (that helps the colon flush, particularly if you use magnesium or Epsom salt baths).

You could drink lemon juice in ice water for a couple days (that helps with the liver and kidneys I believe).

Don't skimp on the olive oil or other quality essential fatty acids. They grease the works and helps the digestive tract move smoothly. You can even use olive oil as a skin moisturizer - it's great for the skin, hormones and everything.

What interesting answers came from other people! Personally, I would put my trust in a cleanse that's doctor recommended. I chose a nutritional cleanse which cleanses the entire insides (not just the colon and/or liver) and dropped 20 pounds, I sleep better and have tons more energy. I learned that the cleanses in health stores and other retailers cut corners to lower manufacturing costs. I found one made by a ';no compromise'; formulator with 25 years experience and includes personal coaching. And since it replaces meals, by my math it was virtually free. Here's my coach's website:
-try mint tea:it increases concentration in thought, learning and reading. it protects the digestive system against inflamation and infection after meals. helpful in digestion and absorption of food. mint is derived from the latin word menta, meaning mind.

-another case is Camomile: the tranquil nature of it has relaxing effect. it has medicinal properties such as: antifibrile, increase appetite and improves blood circulation.

-another one is Echium: Echium plant hold the secret of elation.

some useful liquid mixture for you:

-the mixture of 1 table sppon honey and 1ts fresh lemon juice with 1 glass of hot water. mix it and then enjoy the benefits of that. its great for your stomach too.

-the mixture of 1 table sppon honey and 1ts apple vinagare with 1 glass of hot water. its great for losing weight too.

-the mixture of 1 table sppon honey and 1ts fresh lemon juice and 1 ts jinjer powder or granted piece of fresh jinjer with 1 glass of hot water. mix it and then enjoy the benefits of that.

-and water, is always the best.

good health

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