Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Anyone know any good natural cleansing/detox diets?

I usually avoid this section like the plague...but you guys do know your fruits and veggies! So I'm asking for a little help here, I'd like to get my family eating healthier, less meat and carbs and more veggies and such. But I'd like to start with some sort of detox diet myself (not the kids!). So if you happen to know of any, I'd appreciate it!Anyone know any good natural cleansing/detox diets?
The easiest, most painless detox is the one-day monodiet. As the name implies, it means that you choose a single food (a fruit or vegetable) and you eat it exclusively for a day. You go out and buy 2 or 3 pounds of your chosen produce and have it throughout the day. There are many things to choose from. I'd avoid celery, as it isn't very substantial. I'm a fan of apples, papaya (tastes bad but is great for you), pears, carrots, and oranges. You only get one variety, though. So no fair getting some Granny Smiths and some Red Delicious and some Gala. Just one kind. You can steam the veg/fruit, or bake it, but you can't add fat, or anything but water. (That's all you get to drink, too, by the way.)

There's also a seven-day detox that works pretty well. Here's a link:鈥?/a>

In any case, a good way to detox is to cut alcohol, caffeine, refined sugars, processed foods, and dairy. It might be a good idea to cut wheat, too. Apparently gluten sensitivities are common and people sometimes don't realize that they have one. Drink more water.

Happy detox!Anyone know any good natural cleansing/detox diets?
Here is an article from Goop info on a healthier detox

It does use a little chicken (which I don't eat I'm vegetarian) but you don't have to make that particular recipe. You can use some of the other ideas. Hope you find it useful and that it all goes well :)
Check into doing a juice fast that is focused on fresh vegetable based juices. Its better for your digestive tract because it's not acidic, packed with nutrients and its the best way to optimize the absorbtion because your body isn't focusing on breaking down any solids while digesting it.
Enjoy the wholesome goodness of the all carrot cleansing/detox diet. Carrots are good and natural and also taste great.
master cleanse.
I don't recommend the master cleanse. There's no fiber but a ton of ';natural'; laxatives. It almost defeats the purpose. I have a friend who raves about the raw foods diet, saying its given her more energy than shes had in years, however if you're purpose is to get in the mode to prepare some family friendly meals that might not be the best way to go. You can check it out here anyways:鈥?/a>

Heres a short term and well rounded detox diet called the three day fruit flush:鈥?/a>

Or you can make your own detox by eating only fruits and veggies for a few days. Stick with fiber rich fruits like plums, apples, strawberries, blackberries..etc. Some salads or steamed vegetables and beans. The most important thing is that you cannot use any processed foods. If you want to flavor your salad, use lemon juice and basil. Try to stick with organic fruits and veggies if you can. Don't drink juice unless you make it yourself or you know it is unsweetened. (granulated sugar and artificial sweeteners are a nono) if you must sweeten something use honey. No smoking or alcohol! The point is to rid your body of toxins. Decide on the amount of days you will do this for and stick with it.

There's also a whole website with various kinds of detox programs if you want to do something that's already been laid out, plus you can check out all your different options.

Good luck! My mom was very into fruits and vegetables and pretty much never used processed foods, and the doctors always told me growing up that I was one of the healthiest kids they encountered.

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